All my designs are original and hand drawn aiming to provide an innovative and imaginative solution to clients' particular requirements. No matter how large or small the scheme, detailed and annotated drawings are provided, such as the one opposite, clearly showing how the design will look on the ground. Samples of paving and walling usually accompany the drawing together with photographs of plants I suggest using.
As I provide a complete design and construction service, the vast majority of schemes are undertaken by my self. However, should a client wish to undertake the construction themselves, then I do provide a design only service.
As can be seen from the photographs opposite, all elements of hard landscaping are undertaken, including brick laying, paving, electrical installations and bulk earth moving. Although I produce detailed drawings, I am not inflexible to changes during construction – originated either by myself or by the client. Occasionally it is only during the construction that alternative options become apparent.
As a qualified horticulturalist I feel I have a sound knowledge of plants species, knowing which plants will thrive in any particular conditions and also being aware of which plants compliment each other in terms of size, texture and colour. All plants are sourced from local nurseries which I have dealt with for over 20 years and who can be assured to provide a comprehensive range of plants at exceptional quality.